
Zer0istheAssassinclassofthegame.Heisabletocloakhimselfanddeployadecoyontothebattlefield.Ifyoulikestabbingenemiesinthebackorsniping ...,Thisisanup-to-dateSkillTreeCalculatorforZer0-TheAssassininBorderlands2.UtilizethisinteractivetooltocraftyourbestLevel80Build.,Atotalof37Headsand105SkinscanbeunlockedforZer0.Thenon-defaultheadsandskinscanbeunlockedthroughrandomenemydrops,specific(though ...,2021...

Zero "The Assassin"

Zer0 is the Assassin class of the game. He is able to cloak himself and deploy a decoy onto the battlefield. If you like stabbing enemies in the back or sniping ...

Zer0 • Borderlands 2

This is an up-to-date Skill Tree Calculator for Zer0 - The Assassin in Borderlands 2. Utilize this interactive tool to craft your best Level 80 Build.

Zer0Skins | Borderlands Wiki

A total of 37 Heads and 105 Skins can be unlocked for Zer0. The non-default heads and skins can be unlocked through random enemy drops, specific (though ...

So.. Is zer0 too hard for a newbie

2021年9月14日 — Zero is one of the more difficult characters to get good at, but you shouldn't face anything insurmountable as a new player until UVHM. Any ...

Zer0 | Borderlands Wiki

Zer0 is the playable Assassin class character in Borderlands 2. Zer0 was revealed on February 21, 2012, in the Borderlands 2 Launch Date Trailer.

Borderlands 2

2023年1月4日 — Without question, Zero is one of the most fun playable characters in Borderlands 2, and there are two primary ways to build him.

What is Zero?

2022年1月29日 — Zero is also on the tall side but has very distinct human proportions unlike most guardians. The guardians we do encounter that have somewhat ...


Any attack by Zer0 with his sword or a gun will break Decepti0n, or after the timer reaches zero (typically 5 seconds, depending on the skill tree). If Zer0 ...